Ephesians 5:4 "Obscene stories, foolish talk, and coarse jokes—these are not for you. Instead, let there be thankfulness to God."
I'm not perfect. I'm never going to be. And that's the great thing about living the Christian life and trying to live by faith, is you're trying to get better every day. You're trying to improve.
Tim Tebow
Tim Tebow says it above but following Jesus is really very simple. Just try and be able to say this phrase the rest of your life. "I am not where I want to be, but I am not where I used to be.
As a young baseball player and even as a player in the game of life there was one thing you could count on with me, the bellowing of a choice 4 letter bad word anytime something bad happened. In growing closer to God and his word in my older age, I have tried to leave that type of behavior in the past and for the most part I have been successful. As a Christian, you will learn, you fail as many times as you succeed but to succeed you must first learn from your failures and because of the blood of Christ I can be forgiven for those failures. I proved this just the other day at my sons coach pitch practice. I was teaching the boys how to take a turn at first base and be looking for second but ready to get back to first if need be. As I reached for the inside corner of the bag with my right foot I felt my left hamstring snap and an excruciating pain shot down my leg. Immediately knew what I had done and it was painful and bad and in the heat of the moment without thinking I hollered in son of a “bad word” in front of the players I’m trying to set an example for and their parents. As I hobbled across the field to lay down on the bench the pain went from my leg to my spirit because of what I had done in front of the kids who looked up to me. I was embarrassed and frustrated with myself and threw my phone as I limped off the field. I was miserable from the pain in my leg but more than that I was miserable that I let myself down as a coach and a Christian . As a Christian we have to assume the responsibility to be coaches in life for others. To set a “Christ-Like” example in all that we do.
Saved Christians all over the world that realize they are not perfect, but also realize they can always grow closer to Jesus.
Have you ever said a bad word? How did it make you feel?
Do you think what you watch or listen too affects how you talk or what words you use? If so why would you choose to watch tv/movies with a lot of bad words, or listen to negative music? Do you hang around friends, who use words you feel are not nice? Do you ever catch yourself almost saying them?
Should you avoid hanging around people who speak harshly, are vulgar, critical or complain a lot? Try listening to only positive music for a whole month and see how it changes your words and actions.