Tuesday, February 17, 2015

Farmer vs Football




Farmer vs Football



Proverbs 3: 9-10 (NIV) Honor the Lord with your wealth, with the first fruits of all your crops; then your barns will be filled to overflowing, and your vats will brim over with new wine.


“When I think about a life of greatness, I think about a life of service”
Jason Brown (former NFL lineman and owner of First Fruits Farm)

Game Summary:

Studies show that professional athletes might not have any money left after they leave the game.  Sports Illustrated recently found that almost 4 out 5 NFL players go bankrupt or are strapped for money within two years after they quit playing.

Jason Brown was that 1 out of 5 that was able to do things differently with his success in professional sports.  His quote above gives you a glimpse of what kind of man Jason has become.  Jason is big man with an even bigger heart for God and what He has called for Jason to do.

Jason started his career with a 35 million dollar contract and a 20 million dollar guarantee. After his contract ran out, he had many offers.. Other teams wanted him. Football was his skill, but his heart was somewhere else. Instead of continuing to make millions playing football, he bought  a farm in North Carolina… he called it First Fruits Farm.

Jason had a bigger picture of life beyond his football career. His dream was to raise vegetables, giving the first fruits of each crop to the needy.

Farming was not something he knew anything about. In his first  effort to grow squash and cucumbers, it failed due to too much rain. But he stuck with it and learned through watching YouTube videos, how to plant, protect, and grow.  He succeeded in having a great harvest of sweet potatoes, and was able to give  the first harvest away.

His next project is developing several ponds for fishing. But the ponds are about more than fishing. When he sees the ponds, he envisions dozens of young people learning to fish.
Jason added,  “We want to get them on the farm, take them fishing,  but also try to talk to them about values and making the right kinds of decisions.”
He hopes the fields one day will be dedicated to providing fresh produce to shelters and food pantries.

Instead of making millions playing football, Jason Brown is now investing his life in bringing value to others worth

Jason was featured on CBS “On the Road”
Click the above link to see the segment!


Jason Brown, former NFL lineman, now Farmer who turned down the ways of this world to follow what God has planned for him.


How are you serving others?

How do you feel when you help a friend or donate your time to a charity?

What commitment can you make this year to increase helping/serving others?

Can you dream like Jason and bring something to the world that will affect many lives?


Check out the song by TobyMac “Steal My Show”

Pictured above: TobyMac