Friday, October 24, 2014

Timeout vs Coach





James: 2-4 Consider it pure joy, my brothers and sister, whenever you face trials of many kinds, because you know that the testing of your faith produces perseverance.  Let perseverance finish its work so that you may be mature and complete, not lacking anything.



"There is only one kind of life that truly wins, and that is the one that places faith in the hands of the Savior." ~ John Wooden

Game Summary:

One the greatest basketball coaches of all time said it best above.  Sometimes we get  caught up in life or sports and forget our real purpose. Jesus wants us to follow him in all we do, admit our mistakes, and love our fellow man as we love ourselves. Timeouts in sports are used for several reasons but mostly for a coach to calm his team down, substitute or relay game strategy.

If we could only take timeouts in life to ponder our decisions before we make them... but then again how could we learn and grow in our faith. While trying to not to run up the score, little did I know that my timeout was misunderstood as an cocky act to embarrass the other team.

Basketball is a very competitive sport. It allows you to be respectful, humble, cocky, and even pushy if you are not careful. The coach or the player can be responsible for these actions.  My story starts in the third quarter. My team was up by 20. I had told my point guard to slow down and try to get others involved in the game. I let the game go on, now in the fourth with seven minutes left I called a timeout to explain to everyone as a team to slow down. The coach on the other team thought I was being {COCKY} by calling the timeout. After the timeout we go to throw the ball in and the other coach calls a timeout.  I get all my team back over to me and he says YEP we are still losing. We go to throw it in again and he calls timeout again and says the same thing.  By this time I think he is being [PUSHY].  After this time out, we go to throw in the ball and start bringing it down the court and he says team if you get the ball throw it to the other team. Hearing this made me mad so I let my mind overrule my [RESPECTFUL] heart and I called a timeout. This took the attention off him being [COCKY] and turned it to me as being [PUSHY].  Looking back I should have been [HUMBLE] and let the players have the attention for playing the good game.  Be [RESPECTFUL] and [HUMBLE] towards your coach and teammates. And TAKE A TIMEOUT to give all your glory to GOD!!!
Jesus while hanging on the cross asked God to forgive the men killing him. I figure if he could do that, we should be able to forgive or "turn the other cheek" during sporting events.






 Jeff Willis (a VOLUNTEER youth sports coach who has an unbelievable passion for helping kids and is a big enough man to share his mistakes so that others can learn from them).




 Where do you draw the line in sports? When we know we are far superior in a skill than someone else.  This is a hard decision we face all through life.  A famous TV star once said I don't know the key to success but the key to failure is trying to make everyone happy."

Is there something else the coach in this story could have done, so the other coach knew he was not trying to run up the score just to embarrass them?  Would it have been better to not change anything?


Checkout the song "Go Hard or Go Home" by Lecrae

Wednesday, October 1, 2014

Sunshine vs Rain





Proverbs 17:22  A happy heart is good medicine and a cheerful mind works healing, but a broken spirit dries up the bones.



"I can't play being mad. I go out there and have fun. It's a game, and that's how I am going to treat it."
Ken Griffey Jr. (one of the most prolific home run hitters in baseball history)

Seattle News - October 04, 2009

Game Summary:

As an assistant coach on my daughters 14&u Shockers softball team, we had a player everyone called “Sunshine”.  I really don’t think I even knew her real name was Kirstin, until way into the season, because “Sunshine” was all I heard.
I remember the first time I saw her make a mistake. Instead of getting mad or putting her head down, she just put on this big smile  like she had just hit a homerun or thrown out the other team’s fastest runner.  I have to admit I was a bit taken aback by this and really thought,  “Why are you smiling?  You just missed a ball you should have gotten.”
The more I was around her, the more I began to understand this unique gift she had to laugh at herself.
It is rarely seen in competitive sports, but I begin to think how cool it would be if we could all just laugh off our mistakes. Sunshine wasn’t laughing because she was happy she had missed the ball, but rather to keep her spirits up for the next opportunity.  Maybe parents and coaches should approach the game with this mentality.  Instead of screaming negative comments that only embarrass and degrade the players, give them a smile and a “you can do it”.
Softball is a game of failure. It is vital to learn how to handle that or it will eat you up.  Confidence is knowing you have the ability to make every play or to get a hit every time, but it also knowing that you won’t. You can’t expect 100% success.
Christians are often led to believe that we are not going to make many mistakes, so when we mess up, it is devastating.  The Bible is clear that we are ALL sinners, which means we will all make mistakes, so why not be prepared for them.  Now this is not an instruction manual telling you do something bad and then just laugh about it, but rather to keep things simple. When it comes to mistakes, learn to laugh at yourself, ask forgiveness and try not to do it again.

Sunshine smiling





Kirsten Goodman was a Shortstop for the 14 & Under,  USSSA C-State Runner Up, Seminole Shockers



As a Christian Athlete, if we could adopt this attitude, how much more successful could we be-- both on and off the field?
The next time you mess up in practice or a game, try Sunshine’s approach and smile about it. How does that make you feel?
What things do we get upset about that are not that big of deal-- things that are really not that important, Things  that
we can smile and shrug our shoulders at….

Checkout Britt Nicole's song “Gold”.

Consider playing it as inspiration for this story.

Squeeze vs Sacrifice



John 3:16  For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have everlasting life.


"I wish everyone would turn to Jesus and to the Bible. So many say, ‘Let me do my own thing for a while and I'll change in a couple of years.' The sad thing is, you may never get there. We don't control the next breath." – John Smoltz, Atlanta Braves
 john smoltz


While traveling overseas with an Athletes in Action Fastpitch Softball Team, I had the opportunity to share the gospel with the opposing team and fans in the stands (typically between games of a double-header). A great way of communicating this in relation to softball is to use the Suicide Squeeze Play.
Just like the Coach has a plan or strategy for getting a runner home, God has a plan to get each of us home to Him!
A suicide squeeze can only be put into motion if the batter sees the sign from the Coach. In the same way, Jesus received the plan from His Father.
Now the batter has to be willing to give up their at bat and lay down a bunt. Jesus, as well, had to be willing to lay down and give up His life for us.
All of that, and the only way the play will be completely successful is if the runner at 3rd sees the signal and chooses to run home once the pitch is on the way. The same is for us, as we have to acknowledge God’s plan and respond to Jesus’ sacrifice for us!




Jesus Christ who died for your sins so that you can have everlasting life!





Have you ever missed a sign your coach has given you when you were at the plate? If you missed a sign for a suicide squeeze, your teammate at 3rd will most likely be out easily, right? We can rejoice in knowing that Jesus didn’t miss the “sign” and we can easily come home to Him! The runner has to start running before the batter makes contact, and have faith in the batter to make contact. When have you had to have faith in someone else, in God, so you are successful in what you do?  When have you started something, and had to depend on someone else before you could finish?



Checkout the song Suicide Mission by Gospel Lee

Watch the movie  ...  Passion of the Christ
Contributed by Vicki Simpson, owner of

Special vs Normal






Matthew 25:40  Then the King will say, ‘I’m telling the solemn truth: Whenever you did one of these things to someone overlooked or ignored, that was me—you did it to me.’


"Every team requires unity. A team has to move as one unit, one force, with each person understanding and assisting the roles of his teammates. If the team doesn't do this, whatever the reason, it goes down in defeat. You win or lose as a team, as a family."
Jack Kemp (pro quarterback in the 1950s and 60s)

Jack Kemp

Game Summary:

Often times kids who are special are completely separated from the so called “normal” kids in school, but how powerful can they be together?
A friend of mine sent me a YouTube video about a middle school football team whose players decided they wanted to plan a surprise for someone special on their team.  The players met secretly for weeks and designed two plays they would use in a game they would play soon.   During that game, one of the players who was a part of the secret plan, was running for a sure touchdown, but instead of scoring, he slid down to the ground on purpose, on the one yard line.  The fans in the stands were upset, because they saw that he could have scored, but he didn't, on purpose.  On the next play, the quarterback took the snap from center, turned and handed the ball off to a player who had never played before, because he was a special needs student.  The quarterback stepped to the side of his special teammate, put his arms around him, and with the help of other teammates, guided him into the end zone to score the touchdown!  He was truly a part of the team now. What a thrill for him, and his parents, as well.
Why did the players do this?
Having this special needs student on the team helped them understand how blessed they all were and how difficult life was every single day for their special teammate.  They had lots of friends, they were the "cool" ones at school, they were invited to all the parties, they were " normal".  Their special friend had none of those things, and he certainly wasn't considered "normal".  The players realized they spent most of their time thinking only of themselves and their "normal" friends and what made them happy.  They wanted to do something special, for their special teammate.
So, what's the lesson to be learned?
*Don't think that helping those less fortunate, is just for adults.  I'll bet you can think of someone at school, on a ball team, in Bible class, a neighbor, a relative, who could use a friendly "Hi!  How are you?"  Or ," I heard you've been ill, are you feeling better?"  Or, "We're going to a movie, would you like to go with us?"  Practice is necessary to improve on anything we're wanting to accomplish in our lives.  Begin looking today for people you can reach out to and ask God to help you as you do.  The more you reach out to people, the easier it will become, and remember, God loves you!

Keith Orr  


Keith Orr #14 from, Olivet Middle School in Olivet, Mich




Who can you think of that you could do something special for?
Brainstorm with the team on what you could do.


The video link to this story is available at this link, Special vs Normal
It was a featured special story on CBS Evening News.
Contributed by Margaret Kaiser, Sports Parent and Fan

Contact vs Power




Luke 16:10: “If you are faithful in the little things, you will be faithful in the larger ones.”



“You can have an impact anywhere you are”  Tony Dungy, strong man of Faith and former Head Coach of the Super Bowl Champions Indianapolis Colts.



Game Summary:

Life is not always about being the power hitter in what we do. To hit a home run is great, but more important is being counted on to be able to get on base.  If you are consistently faithful in small things, you will then be put in charge of bigger ones. Making contact with the ball in softball, and getting on base rates high in a person’s value to the team.
When my daughter, Dalyn played softball she was not the best player. Because she struck out a lot, I worked with her on just making contact with the ball. This taught us both a lesson. Although we may not be home run hitters, just making contact with the ball can sometimes win the big game.
During one game for a league championship, Dayln's team was behind 2 runs in the last inning. On the way to the plate, Dayln looked at me.  I motioned to her to just make contact, as we had practiced during the previous week.  I knew she could run fast and would likely outrun the throw.  With the pitch, she made contact with the ball and ran hard to first base.  The fielder threw wildly, enabling Dayln to advance to second base.  There followed another base hit, and Dayln made it home, scoring the first of three runs that her team eventually made.  She had squeezed out a hit, and the team had followed with a championship win.
Just making contact was enough. Dayln had not hit a home run, but her small hit, with a mighty effort, had opened the door to bigger things. Life is so much about that. We may not be the super star, but just doing something can be enough.  I saw this in her eyes. She felt like a hero… for doing what she could do.  And she didn’t let the team down as they came back to win. Great teams have to do the little things before they accomplish the bigger ones.  Getting good leads, knowing your plays, sliding, getting down on grounders, etc. Take Nehemiah in the Bible for example, he went from holding a cup for the king, to being in charge of rebuilding the wall in Jerusalem.  We are all equally important in the eyes of Christ, and without the contact people, the power people would never survive.


Dalyn Huveldt, little league contact hitter.



The Bible says the first will be last and the last will be first. When do you recall that what you did, even though it seemed like a small thing, meant a great deal to someone else?  Where do the little things count that over time can add up to bigger ones?  Showing up to class or practice, being faithful in the small things, matters many times more than the home run. Where do you see this mattering in your life?


Checkout Lecrae’s song “Background”
and a song by Jamie Grace  “You Lead”
Contributed by Dale Shumaker, sports parent

Christ vs Ball




2 Timothy 2:22  Flee the evil desires of youth and pursue righteousness, faith, love and peace, along with those who call on the Lord out of pure heart.


"God replaced my reliance on winning with the peace of His love." -Bernhard Langer (Pro Golfer)
Bernhard Langer

Game Summary:

Youth sports parents are second to none when it comes to their dedication, passion and excitement for their kids sporting career. This can be a very positive experience for their child, but sometimes becomes a negative atmosphere of unrealistic expectations.  It can quickly become something the child no longer enjoys.
My family is heavily involved in sports. I sometimes wonder why we seem to have plenty of time for ball practice, ball games and pitching lessons, but no time to study the Word, pray or gather with others in Christ’s name.  One of my reasons for starting Athlete’s Church was for this reason.  If we could find a way to channel all this passion for youth sports into a lesson that can bring believers closer to Christ, how powerful that could be!
If we can be so passionate about the winner of a 9 and 10 year old sporting event, why can’t we be passionate about our Savior, Jesus Christ, who offers us eternal life? Spreading the Word can be done by all types of personalities in a variety of ways. Here is my short list of things to consider - things that will not only spread the Word to others but also will help you on your Christian walk:
(1) listening to Christian music (like Skillet, Lecrae, Group 1 Crew, etc.)
(2) watching faith-based movies (like Fireproof, Home Run, Facing the Giantsetc.)
(3) wearing a cross necklace or earrings
(4) having a Christian message or Bible verse sticker on your car
(5) wearing Christian T-shirts
(6) praying in public, with your friends or family
(7) volunteering at a local Church to help wherever you can
It is clear that we are all going to fall at some point in our life, but spreading the Word makes it much harder to fall so far we lose sight of the Light.


This should be you as A Christian who “Spreads the Word!!”






List three things that you, personally, can/will do on a regular basis(daily, weekly) that will help you stay close to God.
What can you do that lets others know what you stand for expressing, “I am not ashamed of God’s Word,” Luke 9:26?
Sometimes we may be a little timid in sharing what we are about. Is there a time when you wanted to do something to show your faith In Jesus, but then didn’t? What, or when was that, and what would you do the next time?


Checkout the song "Tell the World" by Lecrae

 Contributed by Pete Benes, founder of Athletes Church

Bible vs Rulebook




Psalm 1:2  “Instead, his delight is in the Lord's instruction, and he meditates on it day and night.”



There are only two options regarding commitment; you’re either in or you’re out. There’s no such thing as life in-between.
~ Pat Riley (3 time NBA coach of the year)




Pat Riley’s quote applies to both sports and the game of life.
In sports we seem to be able to learn our signs, calls, special plays or the rules of the game.  Shouldn't we be as passionate and dedicated about learning the Bible?
Coaching for 9 years thru several different ages I have tried to learn more every game about fastpitch softball. The softball rule book is very complex and some things you might see one time in 100 games so very hard to remember it all.  Recently I was approached at a tournament by a parent from another team, that was a complete stranger.  He asked “are you the Lucky Ladies coach?”  I replied, “yes” and he said, “I was told to ask you a question about the rules because you know them.” I told him I would try, but ironically it was a rule I didn't know for sure. LOL
I guess I have a reputation of knowing the rules and I am proud of that but also a little embarrassed. I have never read the Bible all the way through and don't know the only Book that really counts as well as I should.  Luckily at age 38, I realized this and started the one-year reading plan back in January of this year.  I am over 1/3 thru the bible now and excited the knowledge it is throwing my way.
The Bible is the only book in the world that can apply to all of a person’s life problems. The better we know it the stronger we become and the more able we are to handle anything life throws our way.  So daily reading/studying should be a no brainer right?
In the desert, Jesus fended off Satan's temptations with three words, "It is written." When Jesus quoted Scripture, He didn't have a Bible handy ...just like I  can't carry the rulebook on the field during a game(even though I have wanted to show a few umpires one). He had the words hidden in His heart and knew the concept and when to apply it. The Bible is our life rulebook, written to withstand every scenario the enemy or life can throw at us. But, if our noses aren't in the Book, we won't find ourselves in the game.
holy bible


The Holy Bible







Saw a sign at a church that read about the Bible " most bought, least read".  Do you think this could be true?
When is a time you could study or read the bible daily, even if it starts with just a few minutes?
I find that first thing in the morning works best for me.
Wouldn't it make you feel good for someone to ask you a question about the Bible like the coach did me about the rules?
With regards to Jesus and the Bible...are you in or out?


There are many ways to access the Bible and one great way is the free Bible app called "YouVersion". They have reading plans geared for young and old and many different versions to choose from. You can even listen to the bible read to you on this app. You can find it on the app store for both Apple and Android

Contributed by Pete Benes, Coach of the Lucky Ladies fastpitch team

Tuesday, September 30, 2014

Weak vs Strong




Joshua 1:9  "Have I not commanded you?  Be strong and courageous.  Do not be terrified, do not be discouraged, for The Lord your God will be with you wherever you go."



"Its the struggle to overcome that helps you to recognize that true strength is built during the hardest times." Leah O'Brien-Amico

3-Time Woman's Softball Olympic Gold Medalist


The words weak and strong are seen as total opposites, but the Bible says they actually work together.  A Christian needs to be weak in order to be strong.
Joshua 1:9 says "Have I not commanded you?  Be strong and courageous.  Do not be terrified, do not be discouraged, for the Lord your God will be with you wherever you go." Right before this verse, God tells Joshua that he will be the one who leads the Israelites into the land that God had promised to their forefathers.  God also told Joshua that to be successful he needed to obey God's law and to meditate upon it day and night.  God told Joshua he would lead them into the promise land, but it was clear it wasn't going to be an easy road.  If it was, he wouldn't need the strength and courage that God commanded him about many times.
As Christians, we know that Jesus Christ has won the victory over death & through his resurrection made a way to heaven for all who surrender to Him as the Lord of their lives.  Even though we know we are promised heaven, we still have to go through trials in life.  As Christian athletes, we need to be strong and courageous as well.
There will be times when our opponent is better than us and times we make mistakes or go through slumps.  One of the biggest trials I went through while competing for the USA Softball team was in the summer prior to trying out for the Olympic team.  I was struggling in my hitting and I knew this could affect my chance to be named to the Olympic team.  I was frustrated and upset. As I stood in the outfield during our games, I meditated upon Joshua 1:9 and prayed often.  I told God I knew He was with me and had a plan even in my struggling.  I chose to battle with all I had on the field and find strength in God's Word and leave the results up to God.  Eventually I started hitting better and later that year I was named to the Olympic team.
The following year I stood on the podium in Sydney, Australia and received the gold medal with my teammates.  I couldn't help but reflect on what I went through a year earlier.  It's the trials that make the victory so much more special.  It's the struggle to overcome that helps you recognize that true strength is built during the hardest times.  I am thankful God reminds me His power is made perfect in our weakness and His grace is sufficient for us (2 Corinthians 12:9).  God is with us wherever we go and is near whenever we call out to Him.  Be strong and courageous on and off the field.  God chose Joshua to lead His people into the promised land.  God's Word also encourages us to lead others by meditating upon the Bible, obeying His Word, and sharing His love and truth with others.


   Leah O'Brien,
Christian athlete and speaker




1.  When you are struggling in a sport, school activity, etc., what verse helps you?  Make a note of the verse, memorize it and recite it to yourself often.
2.  Have you ever had a time where you experienced God's power in your weakness?  When did you notice it?
3.  Do you turn to God during your struggles and do you praise Him during your successes?  Why or why not?


Checkout the song "Fighter" by Jamie Grace

Contributed by Leah O'Brien and dedicated to the 2014 Lucky Ladies 10 & under softball team.  (Leah played softball for the University of Arizona, a three-time Woman's Softball Olympic Gold medalist, and now conducts softball clinics, a speaker ... faith-based and motivational ... and ESPN commentator.  This devotional was contributed by Leah for Athletes Church.  You can learn more about Leah at her website. )

Christian vs The World




John 15:28  "But this is to fulfill what is written in their Law: 'They hated me without reason.'"



"I am not going to shove my faith down your throat, but when the opportunity presents itself, don't expect me to walk away.  This is who I am, and Jesus Christ is at the center of my life.  It's al that I am, every day, every decision that I make.  I'm going to stand up and tell you what I believe is true." - Mike Matheny

Mike Matheny, St. Louis Cardinals Manager


As the Head Coach for my daughter's 10 & Under travel softball team, Lucky Ladies, I am often faced with making coaching decisions that might upset fans, coaches, and even my players.  However they feel, in the end the decision made is the decision followed.
For example in a heated game against a very talented opponent, with the other team's best hitter up, they had runners on 2nd and 3rd and 2 outs.  I talked to my assistant coaches and decided to intentionally walk the girl to create a force at any base and in my opinion help our team win the game.  The rules we were playing under allowed me to walk her without pitching 4 balls.  But most people watching didn't know this as it was a special rule in this tournament.  Boy was I surprised what came next from the fans of the other team. 
The first word I heard from opposing fans was a lady scream "you're a monster" and then another "you are taking the game out of the girls hands".  Moving ahead we got out of the inning without allowing a run and won by 1 run.  At the handshake one of their assistant coaches, as he was shaking my hand and my assistant coach's hand called us "cheaters."  I am thinking "cheaters because we played by the rules", that was a new one to me.  I did however pop off a sarcastic remark (not a very Christian thing to do), but for the most part ignored it and helped my other coaches do the same.
Christians are often put in similar situations where they seem weird or even evil for doing something that is actually Biblical.  This challenges one's faith but also when handled correctly will open you to grow in your walk with Jesus.
The Bible says some of our biggest enemies may be from our own household.  Jesus brothers made fun of him for what he did.  Some closest to us may make the most rude comments sometimes.  Has that ever happened to you?
JOHN 7:3-5, "and Jesus' brothers said to him, "Leave here and go to Judea, where our followers can see your miracles! You can't become famous if you hide like this! If you can do such wonderful things, show yourself to the world!" For even his brothers didn't believe in him."


   All the Christians out there that follow Jesus and do so regardless of how the world will treat them or think of them.




Have you ever known someone who tries to act religious but it seems they are always trying to make you feel bad?  Many times it was a very small thing, that made you feel really bad.  How did you handle this? 


Checkout Lecrae's song "Identity" and the book "Intentional Walk" for a little inspiration to this story.