Wednesday, October 1, 2014

Contact vs Power




Luke 16:10: “If you are faithful in the little things, you will be faithful in the larger ones.”



“You can have an impact anywhere you are”  Tony Dungy, strong man of Faith and former Head Coach of the Super Bowl Champions Indianapolis Colts.



Game Summary:

Life is not always about being the power hitter in what we do. To hit a home run is great, but more important is being counted on to be able to get on base.  If you are consistently faithful in small things, you will then be put in charge of bigger ones. Making contact with the ball in softball, and getting on base rates high in a person’s value to the team.
When my daughter, Dalyn played softball she was not the best player. Because she struck out a lot, I worked with her on just making contact with the ball. This taught us both a lesson. Although we may not be home run hitters, just making contact with the ball can sometimes win the big game.
During one game for a league championship, Dayln's team was behind 2 runs in the last inning. On the way to the plate, Dayln looked at me.  I motioned to her to just make contact, as we had practiced during the previous week.  I knew she could run fast and would likely outrun the throw.  With the pitch, she made contact with the ball and ran hard to first base.  The fielder threw wildly, enabling Dayln to advance to second base.  There followed another base hit, and Dayln made it home, scoring the first of three runs that her team eventually made.  She had squeezed out a hit, and the team had followed with a championship win.
Just making contact was enough. Dayln had not hit a home run, but her small hit, with a mighty effort, had opened the door to bigger things. Life is so much about that. We may not be the super star, but just doing something can be enough.  I saw this in her eyes. She felt like a hero… for doing what she could do.  And she didn’t let the team down as they came back to win. Great teams have to do the little things before they accomplish the bigger ones.  Getting good leads, knowing your plays, sliding, getting down on grounders, etc. Take Nehemiah in the Bible for example, he went from holding a cup for the king, to being in charge of rebuilding the wall in Jerusalem.  We are all equally important in the eyes of Christ, and without the contact people, the power people would never survive.


Dalyn Huveldt, little league contact hitter.



The Bible says the first will be last and the last will be first. When do you recall that what you did, even though it seemed like a small thing, meant a great deal to someone else?  Where do the little things count that over time can add up to bigger ones?  Showing up to class or practice, being faithful in the small things, matters many times more than the home run. Where do you see this mattering in your life?


Checkout Lecrae’s song “Background”
and a song by Jamie Grace  “You Lead”
Contributed by Dale Shumaker, sports parent

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